woma 1500 bar 50 litre
1500 bar 50 litre WOMA high pressure unit diesel rental? The WOMA 190Z is a diesel-powered high-pressure unit with an operating pressure of 1500 bar and a maximum water flow of 50 litres. This high-pressure trailer unit is ideal for thorough cleaning, paint removal, hydrodemolition, surface preparation, bundle cleaning and water cutting. Thanks to the built-in diesel and water tank, you can also use the unit in places where there is no water or power connection.
- WOMA is a well-known and reliable pump unit brand
- Trailer
High Pressure Unit
Max. Pressure
1500 bar
Max. Flow
50 (L/MIN)
Dimensions (LxWxH)
4390x2070x2190 mm
Weight (Empty)
2650 kg
Water Tank
150 L
Fuel Tank
980 L
Ad Blue Tank
25 L
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